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UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS 25 June 2024UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 covers important current affairs of the day, their backward linkages, their relevance for Prelims exam and MCQs on main articlesInstaLinks : Insta Links help you think beyond the current affairs issue and help you think multidimensionally to develop depth in your understanding of these issues. Promote Human Rights Culture The NHRC aims to promote a culture of human rights by organizing seminars, workshops, and campaigns on various human rights issues. (UPSC 2014)UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 Content for Mains Enrichment (CME)Source: DTEContext: CRY’s seven-week campaign aims to raise awareness and increase girls’ school participation. UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 Mapping:Source: THContext: Srikakulam boasts significant Buddhist sites, Neolithic caves, and ancient temples. UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 [PDF]Follow us on our Official TELEGRAM Channel HERESubscribe to Our Official YouTube Channel HEREPlease subscribe to Our podcast channel HEREOfficial Facebook Page HERETwitter Account HEREInstagram Account HERELinkedIn: HERE


UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 covers important current affairs of the day, their backward linkages, their relevance for Prelims exam and MCQs on main articles

InstaLinks : Insta Links help you think beyond the current affairs issue and help you think multidimensionally to develop depth in your understanding of these issues. These linkages provided in this ‘hint’ format help you frame possible questions in your mind that might arise(or an examiner might imagine) from each current event. InstaLinks also connect every issue to their static or theoretical background.

Table of Contents

GS Paper 2: (UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024)

NHRC Notice to Odisha Govt on Custodial Death India-Bangladesh Relations: State Visit of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to India

GS Paper 4:

UN Launches Framework to Combat Online Misinformation

Content for Mains Enrichment (CME)

CRY launches “Poori Padhai Desh Ki Bhalai” campaign Skin Bank

Facts for Prelims (FFP)

Kozhikode: India’s first UNESCO ‘City of Literature’ Annual Ambubachi Mela Draft Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement (RELOS) UP-PRAGATI Accelerator program


Srikakulam (Andhra Pradesh)


GS Paper 2:

Syllabus: Polity: Constitutional Bodies

Source: TOI

Context: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Odisha government, demanding an explanation for not paying the recommended compensation to the family of a person who died in custody.

About Custodial Death:

Custodial death, often a result of custodial violence including torture and rape , is a significant concern in India. Between 2017 and 2022, over 660 custodial deaths were reported, with Gujarat recording the highest number at 80, followed by Maharashtra.

Safeguards against custodial violence:

About NHRC:

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is a statutory body established in India to safeguard and promote human rights in the country. It was established under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, with a mandate to address human rights violations, provide remedies to victims, and create awareness about human rights principles among the public.

The mandate of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC):

Mandate of NHRC Description Investigate Human Rights Violations The NHRC is responsible for investigating and inquiring into complaints of human rights violations, covering civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Recommend Remedial Measures After investigation, the NHRC has the authority to recommend remedial measures to the concerned authorities for the protection and promotion of human rights. This includes suggestions for compensation, rehabilitation, and legal action against the perpetrators. Spread Awareness and Education The NHRC is tasked with spreading awareness about human rights, promoting human rights education, and conducting research on various issues related to human rights in India. Monitor State and Central Government Actions The NHRC monitors the actions of both state and central government authorities to ensure compliance with human rights standards and principles. Provide Assistance and Advice The NHRC provides assistance and advice to individuals, groups, and organizations on human rights issues, offering guidance and support in addressing violations or concerns. Promote Human Rights Culture The NHRC aims to promote a culture of human rights by organizing seminars, workshops, and campaigns on various human rights issues. It collaborates with civil society organizations, academia, and other stakeholders to create awareness and advocacy for human rights. Cooperation with International Bodies The NHRC collaborates with international organizations, including the United Nations and its agencies, to exchange information, expertise, and best practices in the field of human rights. This fosters cooperation on a global scale to address and advance human rights concerns.

Evaluation of its success in achieving its objectives:


Investigation of Human Rights Violations : The NHRC has been successful in investigating numerous cases of human rights violations in India. As of September 2021, the NHRC had registered over 17,000 cases and completed inquiries in more than 13,000 cases.

The NHRC has been successful in investigating numerous cases of human rights violations in India. Recommendations for Remedial Measures : The NHRC’s recommendations have led to positive changes and accountability in some cases. One notable example is the NHRC’s intervention in the encounter killings in Manipur, where it recommended the registration of FIRs, compensation to the victims’ families, and disciplinary action against the involved security personnel. From 1993 to 2021, the NHRC awarded monetary relief amounting to over Rs. 200 crores in cases of custodial deaths.

The NHRC’s recommendations have led to positive changes and accountability in some cases. Awareness and Education : The NHRC has played a crucial role in spreading awareness about human rights through its campaigns, workshops, and publications. As of 2020, the NHRC had organized more than 5,000 human rights awareness programs across the country.

The NHRC has played a crucial role in spreading awareness about human rights through its campaigns, workshops, and publications. Monitoring of Prisons and Jails : The NHRC has the authority to visit and inspect prisons, jails, and detention centres to ensure the protection of the human rights of inmates. It conducts regular inspections and takes appropriate actions to address issues such as overcrowding, torture, and other forms of ill-treatment.

: The NHRC has the authority to visit and inspect prisons, jails, and detention centres to ensure the protection of the human rights of inmates. International Engagement: The NHRC actively participates in international human rights forums and collaborates with international organizations. It engages in dialogue with various countries and shares best practices in the promotion and protection of human rights.


Implementation and Enforcement : Despite its recommendations, the implementation of NHRC’s directives by the concerned authorities has been a challenge. In some cases, the authorities have failed to take adequate action, leading to a lack of accountability and justice.

: Despite its recommendations, the implementation of NHRC’s directives by the concerned authorities has been a challenge. In some cases, the authorities have Limited Jurisdiction : It does not have jurisdiction over human rights violations by non-state actors, such as private companies. NHRC is also limited by temporal jurisdiction of cases violation limited to the past 1 year.

: It does not have jurisdiction over human rights violations by non-state actors, such as private companies. NHRC is also limited by temporal jurisdiction of Delayed Justice : For instance, the NHRC’s recommendations in cases of extrajudicial killings and custodial deaths have not always led to prompt action and redress for the victims and their families.

For instance, the NHRC’s recommendations in cases of extrajudicial killings and custodial deaths have not always led to prompt action and redress for the victims and their families. Limited Resources and Staffing : The NHRC has often faced resource constraints, including limited budgetary allocations and understaffing. This hampers its ability to effectively handle a large number of complaints and conduct comprehensive investigations in a timely manner.


The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) plays a crucial role in promoting and protecting human rights in India. The Supreme Court has emphasized the need to provide the NHRC with greater autonomy, independence, and financial resources to enhance its effectiveness in addressing human rights issues.

Insta Links:

Prelims Links:

Other than the Fundamental Rights, which of the following parts of the Constitution of India reflect/reflects the principles and provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)? (UPSC 2020) Preamble Directive Principles of State Policy Fundamental Duties Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans: D Consider the following: (UPSC 2011) Right to education Right to equal access to public service Right to food. Which of the above is/are Human Right/Human Rights under “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”? (a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans: D

Syllabus: International Relations: India-Bangladesh Relations

Source: PIB

Context: Recently, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh visited India for 2-day state visit .

Key Highlights of the Bilateral Meet:

Key Highlights Description Promotion of Shared Vision Peace, prosperity, and development focusing on connectivity, commerce, and collaboration. Digital and Green Partnership Collaboration on digital and green technologies, joint development of a small satellite. Trade and Investment Strengthening trade links, CEPA negotiations, and operationalizing SEZs in Bangladesh . Power and Energy Collaboration Intra-regional electricity trade and high-capacity grid interconnections. Regional and Global Cooperation Anchoring regional integration under BIMSTEC, SAARC, and IORA. Cross-Border Travel E-Medical Visa facilities for Bangladeshi citizens , new Assistant High Commission in Rangpur. Water Resource Management Renewing Ganges Water Sharing Treaty , managing Teesta River. BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement Operationalization for transit facilities to Nepal and Bhutan. Indo-Pacific Cooperation Co-leading the ‘ Disaster Risk Reduction and Management’ pillar of IPOI.

Dimensions of India-Bangladesh Relations :

Dimensions Description Historical Ties India and Bangladesh share a deep-rooted relationship marked by historical ties and growing cooperation across multiple fronts. Initially forged during the 1971 Liberation War , bilateral relations have evolved positively under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership since 1996 , culminating in significant agreements such as the Ganga water-sharing treaty Economic Cooperation Bilateral trade growth, reaching USD 14 billion in 2023-24 . Bangladesh is India’s biggest trade partner in South Asia and India is the second biggest trade partner of Bangladesh in Asia. Joint feasibility study for Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Infrastructure Resolved Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) and maritime disputes. Inauguration of Akhaura-Agartala Rail Link. BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity. Matarbari Port development connecting Dhaka and Northeast India. Energy Bangladesh’s electricity imports from India. Cooperation in the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant project. India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline will transport one million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) of High-Speed Diesel from Siliguri, West Bengal, to Parbatipur, Dinajpur district, Bangladesh. Defence Cooperation Shared border of 4096.7 km . Joint military exercises ( Army – Exercise Sampriti, Navy – Exercise Bongo Sagar). Multilateral Cooperation Engagement in SAARC , BIMSTEC , and IORA forums. According to the India Tourism Statistics Report 2022 of the Ministry of Tourism, Bangladesh has been the second-largest tourist-generating market for India in the year 2021.

Issues between the two countries:

Illegal Migration : Concerns over illegal migration from Bangladesh to India, impacting resources and security, including Rohingya refugees and implications of India’s National Register of Citizens (NRC). Sharing of Transboundary River Waters: Unresolved treaties for major rivers like Teesta and Feni despite sharing 54 rivers, impacting water management and bilateral relations. Growing Chinese Influence in Bangladesh : Bangladesh’s involvement in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), raises concerns for India’s regional influence and strategic interests. Drug Smuggling & Trafficking : Challenges with cross-border drug smuggling, human trafficking (especially women and children), and wildlife poaching, affecting both countries’ security and stability.

Way forward and Conclusion:

Efforts to strengthen India-Bangladesh relations should focus on establishing joint task forces to combat cross-border drug smuggling and human trafficking effectively. Utilizing shared intelligence and coordinated operations can disrupt illegal networks. Implementing smart border management solutions , leveraging artificial intelligence and data analytics will enhance security and efficiency. Furthermore, creating a digital connectivity corridor with high-speed internet and digital services will spur trade, collaboration, and technological exchange between the two nations.

Insta Links:

Mains Links:

Analyse internal security threats and transborder crimes along Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan borders including Line of Control (LoC). Also discuss the role played by various security forces in this regard. (USPC 2018)

Project ‘Mausam’ is considered a unique foreign policy initiative of the Indian Government to improve relationships with its neighbours. Does the project have a strategic dimension? Discuss. (UPSC 2015)

Prelims Links:

With reference to river Teesta, consider the following statements: (UPSC 2017) The source of river Teesta is the same as that of Brahmaputra but it flows through Sikkim. River Rangeet originates in Sikkim and it is a tributary of river Teesta. River Teesta flows into Bay of Bengal on the border of India and Bangladesh. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 and 3 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans: (b)

UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 GS Paper 4:

Syllabus: Applications of Ethics/Governance

Source: DTE

Context: The United Nations, led by Secretary-General António Guterres, has introduced the Global Principles for Information Integrity, a framework to tackle misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech online.

Key terms:

Term Definition Example Misinformation False or inaccurate information is spread without malicious intent. A person shares an outdated news article about a natural disaster, believing it to be a current event. Disinformation Deliberately false information is spread with the intent to deceive or mislead. A fake news website publishes a fabricated story claiming a political candidate has committed a crime to sway public opinion against them. Hate Speech Any speech, gesture, conduct, writing, or display which may incite violence or prejudicial action. A social media post using derogatory terms to incite hatred against a particular ethnic group or religious community.

Key principles from the UN’s Global Principles for Information Integrity:

Combating Disinformation and Hate Speech: All stakeholders should avoid using, supporting, or amplifying disinformation and hate speech. Promoting Media Freedom : Governments should ensure timely access to information, maintain a free, independent, and plural media landscape, and protect journalists and researchers. Enhancing Tech Company Responsibilities: Technology companies should incorporate safety and privacy by design, apply policies consistently across countries and languages, and prioritize crisis response and support information integrity during elections. Ethical AI Development: AI developers must ensure AI applications are designed, deployed, and used ethically and safely, upholding human rights. Reforming Business Models: Tech companies should explore business models that do not rely on programmatic advertising and prioritize human rights, privacy, and safety. Users should have greater control over their online experiences and personal data. Transparency in Advertising: Advertisers should demand transparency in digital advertising processes to ensure their budgets do not fund disinformation or hate and do not undermine human rights. Data Transparency and Accountability: Tech companies and AI developers should ensure meaningful transparency, allow researchers access to data while respecting user privacy, commission independent audits, and co-develop accountability frameworks. Protecting Children: Special measures should be taken to protect and empower children, with governments providing resources for parents, guardians, and educators.

Initiatives Taken to Combat Misinformation

Other measures: Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA): The Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA) is a group of 14 digital publishers that have proposed forming a self-regulatory body to provide fact-checking services to social media platforms.

Way Forward: Battling Misinformation in India

India must prioritize verifying information sources , with media organizations regularly fact-checking and raising public awareness. Establishing fact-checking standards based on international best practices, like the IFCN code , is crucial. A robust legislative framework is needed to balance free speech and protect citizens from disinformation . Broad awareness programs should educate society about the laws and harms of fake news. Law enforcement agencies need capacity building to tackle fake content effectively . Digital media regulation should be strengthened, with platforms like Facebook and Google forming an Information Trust Alliance to combat misinformation.

Mains Link:

What do you understand by the concept of “freedom of speech and expression”? Does it cover hate speech also? Why do films in India stand on a slightly different plane from other forms of expression? Discuss. (UPSC 2014)

UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 Content for Mains Enrichment (CME)

Source: DTE

Context: CRY’s seven-week campaign aims to raise awareness and increase girls’ school participation.

Only 60% of girls are enrolled in higher secondary education, per the Union Education Ministry. Only three out of every five girls in India reach 11th and 12th standards.

About CRY: Child Rights and You is an Indian non-governmental organization that works towards ensuring children’s rights. The organization was started in 1979 by Rippan Kapur , an Air India purser. CRY works with 99 grassroots projects across 19 states in India and has impacted the lives of over three million children.

Source: AIR

Context: The Army’s Research and Referral Hospital in New Delhi has opened a state-of-the-art skin bank, the first within the Armed Forces Medical Services .

The skin bank’s main functions include harvesting, processing, preserving, and supplying human skin allografts for burn treatment and polytrauma centres.

This initiative aims to revolutionize treatment for severe burn injuries and other skin conditions among service members and their families.

UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 Facts for Prelims (FFP)

Source: TH

Context: Kozhikode, Kerala, has been declared India’s first UNESCO ‘City of Literature’, a prestigious recognition that highlights its rich literary heritage and cultural contributions.

About Kozhikode :

It is located on the Malabar coast of Kerala, and was designated India’s first UNESCO ‘City of Literature’ in October 2023 , under the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). Known historically as Calicut , the city has a rich heritage dating back to medieval times when it was ruled by the Samoothiris (Zamorins) and traded spices with Jews, Arabs, Phoenicians, and Chinese. Renowned travellers like Ibn Battuta and Vasco da Gama visited its shores.

Today, Kozhikode boasts over 500 libraries, 70 publishers , and a strong literary education base, earning it the tag of ‘City of Sculptures’ in 2012. June 23 has been declared ‘ City of Literature’ Day in Kozhikode, celebrating its literary achievements and cultural significance.

Significance : The city’s designation opens up new avenues for exploration, cultural tourism and preservation.

Other Indian cities in the UCCN include Jaipur : Crafts and Folk Arts (2015) Varanasi : Creative City of Music (2015) Chennai : Creative City of Music (2017) Mumbai : Film (2019) Hyderabad : Gastronomy (2019) Srinagar : Crafts and Folk Art (2021)

About UCCN : The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), established in 2004 , fosters cooperation among cities that prioritize creativity for urban development. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities , the network encompasses seven creative fields: crafts and folk arts, media arts, film, design, gastronomy, literature, and music.

Source: LM

Context: Devotees are converging at Guwahati’s Kamakhya temple for the annual Ambubachi Mela, with festivities underway.

What is Ambubachi Mela ?

The Ambubachi Mela is an annual Hindu fair held at the historic Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati. It takes place during the monsoon season, specifically in the Assamese month of Ahaar, around the middle of June. The festival celebrates the yearly menstruation course of goddess Maa Kamakhya and is also known as Ameti or Tantric fertility festival due to its association with the Tantric Shakti cult prevalent in eastern India. It is managed jointly by the Assam government and the Kamakhya Temple Management Committee

About Kamakhya temple:

It is situated on Nilachal hills (or Kamagiri), and was reconstructed in the mid-16th century by the Koch dynasty after being destroyed by Kala Pahar . It is revered as one of the 52 Shakti shrines , where the reproductive organ of Goddess Sati is believed to have fallen. The temple is also a significant centre for Tantrik worship , symbolizing the convergence of beliefs and practices between Aryan and non-Aryan communities.


Source: Th

Context: Russia has approved a draft logistics agreement with India , ending years of delays.

About Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement ( RELOS )

RELOS is an administrative arrangement between India and Russia to enhance military cooperation.

Purpose : It streamlines military logistics support, making joint operations more efficient and cost-effective.


Sustained Operations : Facilitates replenishment of supplies, providing berthing facilities for troops, warships, and aircraft during both wartime and peacetime missions. Strategic Advantages : Enables smoother use of host nation’s logistics networks, swift crisis response, and reduces overall mission costs. Expanded Military Reach : Enhances India’s maritime influence and awareness, and improves information exchange about maritime activities. Balancing Quad Agreements : Balances India’s logistics agreements with Quad countries and Russia’s non-Quad stance, countering US and Chinese regional influence. Scientific Interconnections : Supports India’s Arctic research, focusing on links between Arctic Sea ice melt and Indian monsoon systems.

India’s Logistics Agreements with Various Countries:

Country Agreement Details USA GSOMIA (2002): Facilitates sharing military intelligence. LEMOA (2016): Allows mutual use of military logistics facilities. BECA (2020): Provides access to U.S. geospatial intelligence data. COMCASA (2018): Enables transfer of encrypted communication equipment. France Facilitates logistical support during joint exercises, port visits, humanitarian efforts and maritime intelligence sharing. Australia MLSA (2020): Emphasizes shared vision for Indo-Pacific maritime cooperation. Japan ACSA (2020): Allows close coordination of services and supplies between armed forces.

Source: The Hindu BL

Context: KisanKraft Ltd, an agricultural firm based in Bengaluru , has joined the World Bank’s Water Resource Group’s (WRG) low methane rice project to promote direct seeded rice (DSR) in Uttar Pradesh.

KisanKraft’s DSR varieties use less water, reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers, and do not require stagnant water . The initiative is part of the UP-PRAGATI Accelerator program aiming to promote DSR cultivation on 250,000 hectares over the next five years, enhancing water efficiency and low-carbon practices.

What is the UP-PRAGATI Accelerator program ?

The Uttar Pradesh Program for Agricultural Transformation and Increased Incomes (UPPAP) aims to enhance agricultural advancements and boost incomes by promoting water-use efficiency and low-carbon practices through technological and institutional innovations.

Launched by the Uttar Pradesh Multi-Stakeholder Platform , it is supported by the 2030 Water Resources Group (WRG) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

About Low Methane Rice Project (LMRP) The LMRP is an initiative of the World Bank’s 2030 Water Resources Group (WRG), a multi-donor trust fund hosted by the World Bank Group. About Direct Seeded Rice : Direct seeded rice is a practice of sowing paddy which involves planting rice seeds directly into the field , instead of the traditional method of growing seedlings in nurseries and then transplanting them into the fields.

UPSC CURRENT AFFAIRS – 25 June 2024 Mapping:

Source: TH

Context: Srikakulam boasts significant Buddhist sites, Neolithic caves, and ancient temples. Historians, academics, and enthusiasts are working to restore the prominence of Srikakulam’s ancient history.

Srikakulam, formerly known as Chicacole during British colonial rule, boasts a rich history. It was once part of the Kalinga Dynasty and later came under the Gajapati Kingdom during the medieval period, followed by the Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi, and was also part of the Kakatiya and Vijayanagara Empires . The district is home to significant cultural sites, including the Buddhist locations of Salihundam , from where Buddhism spread to Sumatra and other eastern countries, and Danthapuri. Jainism is represented in Tangamayyakonda and Rottavalasa villages. Notable Hindu temples include Srimukhalingam, Srikurmam, and Arasavilli . Additionally, the district features Neolithic-era caves in Nandi Hills , showcasing its diverse and ancient heritage.


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