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Weekly horoscope from April 14 to April 20: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

Family matters bring a sense of harmony when you finally forgive someone and just move on with your life. advertisementTaurus Apr 20- May 20)Take a look at how things are and know how you’d like them to be. You may consider changing careers, resigning from your current job, or exploring new opportunities in business. Be a little more proactive while looking for new business opportunities. Health matters look good.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Celebrate how far you’ve come. Interesting opportunities may be opening up for you in the upcoming three weeks. You may be connected with an international agreement. Or even travel overseas to close the deal. Remember, it’s about the team, so the more you collaborate now, and give credit where it’s due, the more it will reap the rewards in the long run. Prepare for a few revisions to the original plan. Students may finalise plans for higher studies across the country or even the globe. Family matters bring a sense of harmony when you finally forgive someone and just move on with your life. Let karma handle them. You’ve got a lot going for you now.


Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Take a look at how things are and know how you’d like them to be. Reality checks allow you to focus on what is truly important. You let go of any illusions of someone changing their behaviour and just accept things as they are. Be careful of your documents, something could be misplaced in the paper trail. Or you could find yourself regretting not taking up an opportunity when it arose. An old friend may need your support or motivation. Short trips bring a much-needed change to your daily routine.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

You are no longer thinking or talking about bringing in change. You start doing something in the direction you wish to go. A growing sense of security and stability allows you to set down some long-term plans. A business idea started to take shape. Self-employed Geminis start attracting business from unlikely places and people. Even at home, you may find yourself busy with repairs and renovations and may choose not to socialise till the work is done. Time to make some conscious choices and take some proactive measures for your health.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Don’t jump to conclusions without evidence. Don’t assume another person will do things the way you’d like them to. Manage your expectations and be very practical in your approach. A business idea may bring about second thoughts. A little research makes you realise an upcoming large expense just wasn’t worth it. A romantic relationship may begin to feel dull or stale. Or perhaps you realise that the special someone isn’t all that special after all, and is human after all. A good period begins with learning a new skill or upgrading yourself. Students could find themselves getting closer to their dreams. Focus, re-group, and move forward.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Listen to your heart about an important decision. Too much logic may not give you the complete picture. Follow your dream. Fulfil something on your bucket list. You may start to realise that happiness is truly in your hands. And expecting too much from others only leads to pain and disappointment. You may consider changing careers, resigning from your current job, or exploring new opportunities in business. Singles may find themselves falling for someone. Expressing yourself with the arts like painting and music brings deep joy.


Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Not everyone is happy to see you rise up the ladder. Or you may discover that you have a new rival to contend with at the workplace. Don’t allow yourself to get dominated by someone’s pushy and arrogant behaviour. Stand your ground, be firm, and set boundaries with those who have no clue about other people’s need for space and privacy. In money matters, take more charge of things. Ask for a raise. Relook your budgets. Be a little more proactive while looking for new business opportunities. Family matters remain manageable so long as you keep checking in on your loved ones.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Perhaps you believed someone too much. Or you fall into a trap. The cards urge you to be cautious and not trust everyone and everything at face value. You may catch someone lying a little too often. Or realise that a promised project is taking much longer than you anticipated. On the personal front, you may want to rebel. Or do something different or even hang out with a new set of people. Let your hair down, but don’t be reckless. Health matters look good. Money matters show good news but after a bit of a wait.


Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

A little restraint goes a long way. Before you lash out at someone, hold your tongue. Before you send the message from your phone, wait a bit before you press the button. At work cost-cutting measures may bring the mood down. Or you could find yourself thinking about exploring the job market for new opportunities. Hold back on the splurging till money matters are sorted. Even in relationships, you may feel a little withdrawn and prefer silence over communication. It may be time to recharge your batteries with some much-needed rest.

Saggittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Doors begin to open. New opportunities come your way. You may receive an invitation to an international event. Or be included in a club. Whichever way you look at it, you’ve earned it. A marriage may be announced. And if already married, your better half, and you make some big plans for the future. Time to move on from people from your past who haven’t invested any energy into maintaining the relationship. Clean up your mailbox and delete their number. If there’s anything to watch out for, it’s bouts of insomnia.


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

You may feel like something is missing. Or feel it’s time for a raise. Money matters may dominate your time. And you may look for solutions or advice about an investment or a long-standing property matter. Don’t look for short-term gains. This is a time to think about the long-term implications and rework your strategy if you need to. Singles may find it hard to decide between two equally wonderful souls. Health matters show steady healing. Just find ways to manage the excessive worrying.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

The universe blesses you with peace. And it's up to you to make peace with a situation. Or choose a peaceful approach to a long-standing conflict. Businesses can look forward to a period of profitable gains in the upcoming period. And Aquarians in IT, research or finance can expect recognition for their contributions. At home, young children bring joy and fulfillment. Try and spend more time outdoors. A weekend trip or even a daily walk should boost energy levels and happy hormones.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

You’ll get the support and encouragement you need to get ahead. There’s a strong and stable base around you. Just believe you can take the leap of faith and good things will follow. Success on the professional front may make you feel like indulging and pampering your loved ones. Or you could upgrade your car, home or even your mobile phone. The future looks bright and with a positive mindset, things will get better and better. If there’s anything to watch out for, it’s bouts of complacency. Consistency will be the key to your success.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Published By: Soumya Published On: Apr 14, 2024


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