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Food Industry: Food companies view India as the new Wild West, ET BrandEquity

And then I got interviews with key people in the industry who opened up and revealed even more secrets. The most vulnerable people, not only here in the United States, where this industry started, all around the world now. Everything about processed food is designed to be fast and also to be healthy, quickly manufactured. And that's the benefit of processed food. And that's something that the food companies themselves really haven't been able to sort of grapple with.




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Many of us would have suspected that the processed foods that we consume in India are of questionable quality. But the evidence coming in over the last week has been quite overwhelming. Baby foods have sugar added to them, protein powders don’t have enough proteins and our good old spices could have ingredients that are carcinogenic. ET’s Kiran Somvanshi spoke to New York-based award-winning journalist Michael Moss whose investigation of the processed foods industry culminated in the best-selling book - Sugar, Salt So, ‘Salt, Sugar, Fat’ came about when I sort of gained access to the largest manufacturers of processed food in the US and in the world and got access to their documents, thousands and thousands of pages of their internal memos and emails and white strategy papers. And then I got interviews with key people in the industry who opened up and revealed even more secrets. And the overwhelming sense from that material, which is the basis of the book, is that this is an industry that's been thriving night and day to get us to not just like their products. But to want more and more of them. And part of the strategy they use is extraordinary science to develop formulations that we can't resist - especially using salt, sugar, and fat in perfect amounts that drive us crazy and cause cravings. But the other thing they're really good at is marketing and knowing that many people eat for emotional reasons and so much of their effort that is aimed at getting inside our heads with advertising and kind of repetitive behaviour that makes us even more vulnerable to their products. And it’s a combination of this extraordinary science. And then good old marketing and advertising to get us hooked and keep us hooked.Well, in some ways it's gotten better, and it's gotten worse. I mean, the better part is that more and more people are aware of what these food companies are up to and everything they do to try to get us to act in a way that's good for them and not for our own health and wellness. But the companies have gotten even smarter in their ability to get us to do their bidding, to get us to think about food in a way that they want us to think about food.So, it's actually gotten somewhat harder to go into the grocery store and tell what's good for you and what's dangerous. And I should be kind of worried about the other thing that's happened since 2013 is that the divide between the haves and the have nots, between people who have the resources and the knowledge to eat better and healthier, and those who don't has grown wider and wider.So, what you see these companies doing is this race to the bottom to exploit. The most vulnerable people, not only here in the United States, where this industry started, all around the world now. So you see them branching out into other countries and starting to dominate the eating habits of people all around the world in ways that you didn't see before even 10 years ago.Yeah, I mean they're very sensitive to government regulation, as they would call it, government interference, rules, standards for nutrition, etc. So, inside the companies are people whose job it is to study those rules and then convey that information to the people formulating the products. And the job of those people following the regulations is to make sure their products just barely meet the standards of whatever country they are marketing to.The flip side of that is that they also know that people's tastes vary around the world. And there are some places in the world where people like sweet things more than other places. And the industry is really good at being sensitive to that and formulating products that meet the specific tastes, not just the regulations on the taste, but the specific tastes that people want.There's a terrific story about the invention of Tang, which was this very sugary powdered drink that was invented for astronauts to use up in space. But back in the 1970s, the company selling Tang, which was this old company called General Foods, was testing it in China. And they realized that the further south they went in China, the sweeter people liked the formulation, which was a real kind of lightbulb moment for this industry, realizing that there are places where they can exploit that higher liking of sugar, and then there are places where maybe they should be more careful about that.But Europe is a case in point where until recently, most Europeans couldn't stand the level of sweetness that's prevalent in so many American foods. That's changing now as Europeans become more accustomed to getting these sweeter processed foods.Speaking of ingredients listed on the pack, there's something called the Nutrition Facts Box here in the US, and I'm not sure you have that in India, but it tells you how much sugar, fats or proteins you're getting.I was totally shocked to learn that the Nutrition Facts Box was the invention of none other than the food industry as a way of putting our fears and concerns about what's in these products, easing those fears and concerns by telling us kind of what the nutritional components are.The problem with that is that looking at these products only in terms of their nutrient ingredients doesn't really answer the question: is this like real food that I should be eating and serving to my kids? And also it doesn't tell you what's missing in these products, especially wholesome natural fiber for example and other things that make all the difference between a piece of fresh fruit and the sugar you get in a soda or even fruit juice.So, some of the strategies of the companies have been exploiting our dependence on nutrition information to make our purchase habits. And then the other part of the companies is that they just experiment with new products. And they test the market. And they'll put kids in a room and give them lunchables and study their reaction. They even do brain scans on consumers to see how the brain responds to their products. And they're just really good at determining what we will go crazy for.It's also really odd to think that we've turned over our health, our wellness and eating habits to ten multinational corporations, and allowed them to set the standard to determine what we should value in food. Rather than ourselves. That seems totally crazy when we look back on it now, but from their standpoint their position is very simple. It's this: ‘Look, we're companies, not philanthropies. We're in the business of making money for ourselves, for our shareholders. And to do that, we're going to maximize the allure of our product. So we sell as many products as possible’.I think to their credit I think if they could figure out a way to sell food, that's inexpensive, accessible, convenient, yummy, but also won't kill us at an earlier age than otherwise. I think that they would, I think that they would do that.Um, but they found it really difficult because the biggest thing that they're selling is convenience. They're selling food that's fast in terms of our ability to buy it in the store, to open it up and prepare it in our homes, to get it in our bodies and our brains. Everything about processed food is designed to be fast and also to be healthy, quickly manufactured. So, it's cheap. And that's the benefit of processed food. The downside is the hidden cost in that speed. And we're getting really close now to a point where for every dollar we spend on processed food, which, by the way, is something like 60 to 70 to 80% of the products in the grocery store we're talking about. For every dollar we spend on those products, we're having to spend another dollar on health care and other things to fix the trouble that those products are causing in our lives. And that's something that the food companies themselves really haven't been able to sort of grapple with. They're simply in the business of making it as cheap and accessible and convenient as possible.I mean it's really tempting to sort of think about some government intervention to help change this landscape, level the playing field for consumers. And there have been places in the United States and also the world, including Mexico, where the government has imposed taxes on the most sugary items with the idea that just a little bit of a tax on a product will cause people to buy less of it. And it seems to work. I'm not very optimistic in our current sort of political situation in most countries that the government will be able to intervene in any hugely kind of meaningful way to force change in the industry. I think it has to come from us, the consumers. And I think it has to start with the youngest generation.I mean, if I was emperor for a day, I would put a garden in every school in the world, not just to kind of feed kids at school, but to get them excited about things like Radishes and strawberries, but that's only one of maybe 10 things you'd have to do because that child is going to come home and tell their parents about radishes or some beautiful little fruit or vegetable, but then their parents have to be able to go to the grocery store and buy that product without bankrupting themselves.I mean, it's still true in this country that you walk into the grocery store and a basket of blueberries is going to cost you as much as a two pound, four meat, three cheese frozen pizza that's going to feed the whole family. And so, even the people who are well meaning by their own eating habits and their own families face this enormous sort of disconnect between what they want to eat and what they can afford to eat.And the reason for that is the whole agriculture system is designed in a way that helps the processed food industry . 90% of farmland in the United States, 90% of the energy that goes into growing crops, is put into growing the staples of processed foods, soybeans and field corn for the sugar. Just incredible. And just the rest of the 10% is growing all the fruits and vegetables and nuts and everything that every nutritionist says we should be growing more of. And so that's why the good things in the grocery store are so much expensive. And so again as Emperor for a day, one of the things you want to do is flip that equation and realign the whole agricultural complex in a way that would make good food more affordable for many more people.Yeah, it's crazy, right? and you have that same situation here in the US where the government is saying, ‘hey everybody eat more vegetables, eat more whole fruits’, but yet again, the pricing just isn't there. The incentive, the financial incentive, is to eat these cheap processed foods that are making so many people sick.One of the positive reactions to my book was just people themselves realizing through reading all the tricks and the schemes that these companies use to get us to love their products, realizing that they themselves can sort of do things to help regain control of their eating habits and kind of change how they value food. So that was like the biggest result - people taking it upon themselves to change their own eating habits to the extent that they can.Government initiatives have included the taxes on soda and sugary foods that I mentioned. The companies themselves sort of took some effort to reduce the amount of salt sugar fat, for example, that they're putting products in. But again, without any sort of change and more pushing from consumers, I don't think you're going to see these companies playing a true role in reforming the way that they control our eating habits.I personally really love the stakeholders - the consumers. We could through incredibly smart consumer education and not preaching, which the government has tried to do, and it doesn't work very well, but through really smart advertising and marketing that conveys to people the opportunity to change their diet and the way they view and value food, that's where I put my money if I was betting on where real change can happen.The only thing I would add in terms of India is that everybody in India should understand these companies are coming for you. Now, they grew up in the United States. They invented and developed these products here. There's been increasing government and consumer pressure on these companies to reform here. And in response to that, they're moving around the world to other countries - basically viewing countries like India as the new wild west in terms of their ability to get more people hooked on their products.And so the message I'd want to convey is that they're coming for you with incredibly clever formulations and science and marketing strategies, and it would be your view to sort of prepare for that and think about ways to deal with that attack, if you will, on India's kind of own natural historic eating patterns. Because these companies want to change that to their benefit. They're looking for those places in the world that haven't yet familiarized themselves with the power of these companies to get us to do their bidding.


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